Mastering Communicating in Daily Interactions

Are you the type of person who wants to help more people and ethically grow your practice?

Do you believe that people get the best results when they stay under chiropractic care?

Growing a practice is simple. Simple but NOT easy.
It's simple in that there are only two ways of growing  – generate more new patients or keep creating value for people so that they want to keep coming to see you!
In both of these areas your communication skills are the main determinant of success.

Communication skills are the number one skill you need to grow your practice!

A key to retention is the ongoing communication you have with your patients or clients.  You see there are really only 2 reasons that people stop care:

  • They believe that you are no longer relevant to them.

  • Perceived or real indifference from you or your team (this often happens when all the focus is on new patients and meeting their needs).

The Mastering Daily Interactions workshop by recording is a deep dive into how to communicate so that people can understand the REAL value of chiropractic to them and how to create a structure so that people feel connected and acknowledged.
It addresses BOTH reasons people stop care so it can make a huge difference to your retention!

The workshop is based on research and publications from the influence literature that have been tested and refined in practice (Martin has been in full time practice for over 25 years).

This workshop will help you know what to say (and what not to say!) , how to say it and when to say it when things get difficult! 

"Martin Harvey's communication seminar was off the charts! 
Learn how to master communicating and effectively dealing with those moments in practice that can ruin your day when not handled properly. This info was easily worth 10 times the fee! Great job Martin!"

Dr Steve Thiele, CT, USA


The Mastering Communication in Daily Interactions workshop is based on the influence literature.

The influence literature is research done by psychologists, neuroscientists, behavioral economists and marketers. They are all asking the question "why do people do what they do and what can we do to ethically influence them to change?"

These strategies are used by the leading communicators in the world. Unfortunately a lot of what is taught in chiropractic seminars is the opposite of what the science says we should be doing!

The strategies I teach are based on this science so you know they work!

Mastering Communication in Daily Interactions

  • Workshop by recording - no time and expense of travel and hotels.

  • Access the links to the recordings and contact Martin in regards to any follow up inquiries.

  • Martin has only ever taught this information to his private coaching clients before. You get all the learning and save $$$.

"Shout out to Martin Harvey. Once again he over-delivers with the latest on communication mastery. Last nights 3rd module was GOLD. One hour of real life, cases that happen every day in our business. We will train on this material weekly. It's that good ! Yes, and ... I'm sure he will do it again for those that missed out. Clear your schedule and make it happen next go around."
Dr Wade Parkhill, TX, USA

"Martin Harvey's communication seminar is a must. Easily got 10x value out of just a couple of the multitude of strategies presented. Get on this next time it is presented. 3 evenings of GOLD! Thanks so much Martin Harvey!!!"
Dr Jeff Buller, MI, USA


  • Mastering Daily Communications is an online program taught over two sessions.

  • No flights, no hotel and you can review the information whenever you want.

  • The videos are available online and you can email Martin with questions and guidance on how to implement the strategies.


Mastering Communication in Daily Interaction
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